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Houthis: Will Attack Any Country’s Ships Going To Israel

Houthis: Will Attack Any Country’s Ships Going To Israel

After weeks of claiming attacks on ships purportedly linked to Israel, the Houthis of Yemen escalated the threat by warning ships of any country that they would face attacks in the Red Sea if they are headed to Israeli ports. The Houthis have earlier hijacked a ship allegedly linked to an Israeli businessman, and also claimed... 

Mental Process of Self Destruction

Mental Process of Self Destruction

1) High Intelligence without Wisdom brings Arrogance & Great EGO. 2) Gaining Professional Recognition & Title brings Sense of Invincibility of Expertise. 3) Label of Expert gives False Sense of Elitist Superiority, even in the face of limited knowledge, information and data. 4) The Combination of Ego, Elitism and Label... 

Senator Invokes War Powers Act To Call For The Removal Of US Troops

Senator Invokes War Powers Act To Call For The Removal Of US Troops

During remarks on the Senate floor, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) urged for the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, invoking the War Powers Act 1973. Observers have noted that with Biden and most of his genocidal cahoots in Washington DC being bought and in Netanyahu's pocket, invoke or not, the act will be defeated.      Read More →

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