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Leaked Documents: US wants President of Syria assassinated

Leaked Documents: US wants President of Syria assassinated

1. US occupied land in Syria and Iraq illegally. 2. US supports Israel's genocide in Gaza. 3. US wants President of Syria assassinated. More...    Read More →

Israel is a Racist, Supremacist State

Israel is a Racist, Supremacist State

Israel is one of the most racist countries in the world. This video explains.    Read More →

Israel learning fast from America how to justify murder

Israel learning fast from America how to justify murder

The Israelis appear to be learning very fast from the Americans on how to justify murder. It is no longer a secret that whenever the Americans want to "take good care" of an organization, it would pin the "terrorist" label on the organization and then under the guise of "national security", it would assassinate the leader or... 

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