TR Emeritus addresses the concerns of readers on privacy issue
We refer to several emails addressed to our editors expressing concerns over the recent event reported in "Indian FT sought court order Yahoo Singapore for impostor’s identity". Readers who wrote in were concerned with their privacy and have asked that TR Emeritus (TRE) addresses the issue. On that, Andrew our in-house...
Missing NSF in Brunei supposed to ORD in 4 months’ time
The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) is augmenting search efforts for the missing NSF Lance-Corporal (LCP) Muhammad Fahrurrazi Bin Salim with a team led by Commander Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), Brigadier General Lim Hock Yu who is overall in charge of the search operations. The SAF team flew to Brunei on 12 Aug 2012...
Indian FT sought court order on Yahoo Singapore for impostor’s identity
Sandeep Sharma, a managing director at HSBC's private banking arm claimed that he had been defamed by Yahoo's user impersonating him and making offensive remarks about Singaporeans. Mr Sharma is asking the Singapore's High Court to order Yahoo Singapore to reveal the identity of the person using the moniker "Sandeep" and claiming...
- Sporeans Keep Govt Employed on Good Governance
- PRs buy@HDB,Now buy landed on Good Governance
- PRs buy HDB,Now buy Landed on Good Governance
- Relax on Scammers
- Singaporeans R Free Rider on Good Governance