苛政,我弹消费税补贴 (A Critique of GST Rebate)
作者:直言 什么叫做‘补贴’?‘补’是补足、‘贴’却有倒贴的意思。为什么要‘补’,总是因为‘不够、不足’。而为什么‘补’而后要‘贴’,这层意思,只不过是为了更突出政府的假仁假义。 消费税补贴绝对不是真正意义上的补贴。试问,哪里有强盗右手抢你10块钱而左手还给你1块钱而曰:‘补足倒贴’你1块钱的道理? 就业奖励金,在某种施与的意义上来说,才是真正的补贴。虽然就业奖励金的政策一样的吊诡,那是缺乏最低工资的制度来保证人民的生存权,必不得已的变通政策。 有一个很清楚的分别,就业奖励金是针对收入最低,收入不足以糊口的人民而设。因为有‘不足’,所以要‘补’,这样的逻辑性是合理的。 然而,消费税补贴,不仅是诙谐,简直是透露出执政当局自以为是的愚昧。怎么说呢?譬如说遇到饥荒,就有账灾的善长仁翁施粥账济灾民。那么,在队伍排得长长的饥民之中,你竟然看到人群中偶尔有衣着光鲜的人,口里啃着鸡腿,手里拿着鸭腿鹅腿,胸前挂着个羊腿、背后背着牛腿,排队10里长,只为了要求施舍一碗子稀...
Damage caused by the GRC system
A friend who migrated and became a citizen 20 years ago made this observation. In the past, the MPs in Singapore were responsive to the needs and views of the people. They had to serve the people well to get re-elected. They changed gradually under the GRC system. They did not have to bother with the people and only need to...
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