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Who is “daft”?

Who is “daft”?

In two instances, our thinking is along the same lines as that of Henry Mintzberg who is Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at McGill University. He is one of the world’s top thinkers on management and business strategy. I came across a blog posting of his which show that we ordinary S’poreans are more in-tune with... 

Singapore takeover of ASX proves hugely unpopular

Singapore takeover of ASX proves hugely unpopular

TWO-THIRDS of Australians oppose the Singapore Stock Exchange's proposed takeover of the Australian Stock Exchange. Coalition supporters are even more against the move than Labor voters. A poll by UMR Research shows 62 per cent of Labor voters and 71 per cent of Coalition voters oppose the venture, an even higher level than... 

Opposition has no excuse not to do better at GE

Opposition has no excuse not to do better at GE

By Kor Kian Beng, Straits Times, 27 December 2010 THERE I was, seated in one corner of a hotel ballroom two weeks ago, watching six opposition leaders doing their best to prove that their parties have what it takes to do well in the next general election. They fielded questions and presented their parties' positions on a wide... 

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