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Economic imperialism à la Singapore

Economic imperialism à la Singapore

 A “battle royal” appears to be brewing between Singapore and Australia. And as always in the sometimes testy relationship with Down Under, most of the angst usually revolves around issues of sovereignty amidst a subtext of supposed “economic imperialism”. The latest shot across the bow is a proposed Singapore plan... 

Indonesia’s anti-trust agency move to seize $13 million from Temasek Holdings

Indonesia’s anti-trust agency move to seize $13 million from Temasek Holdings

Indonesia's anti-trust agency (KPPU) is seeking ways to seize assets worth 120 billion rupiah ($13 million) from Singapore's Temasek Holdings over an outstanding fine, which the latter was slapped with in 2007 for breaching the country's anti-monopoly laws, a KPPU commissioner said on Tuesday. The KPPU ruled in 2007 that Temasek... 

Why can’t our PM multi-task?

Why can’t our PM multi-task?

Those who learn more than one language multi-task better. In an interview with the BBC World Service [Link] … Professor Diamond said the study suggested that individuals reared bilingually were better able to focus in confusing situations … ”An infant reared bilingually has to practice at paying attention which the... 

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