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The men on the back of the lorry had no chance

The men on the back of the lorry had no chance

When the vehicle skidded and tipped over off Singapore's Pan- Island Expressway in the morning rush hour of June 22, the workers were thrown from the lorry. Three Chinese nationals died, 14 of their colleagues were injured on their way to work. The fatal accident - the most recent in a spate of similar calamities - has once... 

‘Guest Workers’ or Modern Slavery?

‘Guest Workers’ or Modern Slavery?

A pile of bags and clothing on an old shop front verandah on Cuff Road in Singapore's Little India is "home" to a group of about 50 migrant workers who have been spat out by an economy that relies heavily on so-called "guest workers." All are men from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, lured to Singapore by shady labor agents who... 

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