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WikiLeaks reveals Saudi intrigue and unpaid limo bills

WikiLeaks reveals Saudi intrigue and unpaid limo bills

One of the most inflammatory memos carries the claim that Gulf countries were prepared to pay $10 billion to secure the freedom of deposed Egyptian autocrat Hosni Mubarak. The memo, written on a letterhead bearing only a single palm tree and crossed blades above the words "top secret," quotes an unnamed Egyptian official as... 



Amos Yee 鲁迅曾云:制度杀人!此言正是当前新加坡余澎杉事件的真实写照。 事件的辗转发展,开始令人啼笑皆非,继续是政府进退失措,竟然把一十六岁的少年初判入神经病院,令人愕然。当初的啼笑皆非,如今发展已经让人义愤难平。 余澎杉智商,以我多年教育新加坡大学生的观察,实属上上。虽然幽默、讽刺过度,但是在其脸子书上对司法与制度的看法与批评,实在知识的合理与理性范... 

French govt orders police to crack down on Uber

French govt orders police to crack down on Uber

The French government has ordered police to crack down on Uber in Paris after violence erupted at demonstrations by taxi drivers against the online ride service. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said Thursday that he asked the Paris police authority to issue a decree forbidding activity by UberPOP drivers. Similar decrees... 

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