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China probes doctor over $18 million bribes, 100 houses

China probes doctor over $18 million bribes, 100 houses

Reuters - Reporting by Adam Jourdan; Editing by Michael Perry - 28 April 2015 (Reuters) - China's top prosecutor is investigating a senior doctor in the country's western Yunnan province for taking over $18 million worth of bribes in cash, real estate and parking spots, the official China Daily reported on Tuesday. Wang Tianchao,... 

Cultural differences of immigrants enrich our identity

Cultural differences of immigrants enrich our identity

Today, the bigger challenge for our community and political leaders is how to get our new immigrants to assimilate and integrate quickly and cohesively ("Forging a cohesive national identity" by Dr V. Subramaniam; Tuesday and "S'pore must 'embrace diversity as its strength'"; April 10). This would ensure that the fabric of national... 

该反省的不是余澎杉(Amos Yee)他自己,而是他所处的社会

该反省的不是余澎杉(Amos Yee)他自己,而是他所处的社会

香港《苹果日报》余澎杉(Amos Yee)在上周二第二次获得保释时,看起来仍是一派轻松。年仅 16 岁的他,因为上传一部名为《李光耀终于死了》的影片,以及创作新加坡前总理李光耀与英国前首相柴契尔夫人交媾的讽刺漫画,遭到 15 名警察进入家门将其逮捕。因为所犯罪刑特殊,依照新加坡法律,未成年的余澎杉于审判中将适用成年人《刑法》,面临最重... 

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