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The curse of Lee Kuan Yew

The curse of Lee Kuan Yew

THE CURSE OF LEE KUAN YEW The leader eulogized by Obama as a ‘giant of history’ is being used to re-legitimize tyranny. Lee Kuan Yew, who died Monday at 91, was in his final years more than a man: He was a myth, a global idea—an intellectual cult built around the idea that not all autocrats are bad; they can be enlightened... 



新加坡前总理李光耀于 23 日凌晨病逝,结束了他充满矛盾与传奇的一生。 李光耀、邓小平、蒋经国是同一种人,有类似的性格、观点和手段,都属于东亚政治模式的领导人,也就是开明专制(温和独裁)加菁英统治。台湾后来不再与中国和新加坡走同样的路,在李登辉时代向中、星挥手说拜拜,走往西方式的民主道路。经过... 

Khaw: We have named an orchid after Mr Lee

Khaw: We have named an orchid after Mr Lee

The new orchid is called Aranda Lee Kuan Yew Our Founding PM Lee Kuan Yew loved nature and visited the Singapore Botanic Gardens whenever he could. My colleagues in NParks enjoyed taking him around in the buggy. They have a great deal of respect and affection for Mr Lee. Deep in our hearts, we know who the Chief Gardener of... 

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