More Fukushima children found with thyroid cancer
This brings the total number of thyroid cancers (confirmed or suspected) at 103. (August 25th, 2014) Another periodic report from the Fukushima Health Survey has found more thyroid cancers in children. Another 14 cancers were confirmed since the last report in May 2014. This brings the total number of thyroid cancers...
Reprimanding SMRT shows LTA is inflexible
My initial delight at the move by Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) to charter trains to ferry students to a rugby final has turned to dismay after finding out that the Land Transport Authority is considering sanctions against SMRT ("SMRT faces sanctions for allowing private use of trains"; yesterday). The innovative idea seemed...
Poisonous food from China: Abalone dyed to look fresh
<<中国有毒食品新品种:染色鲍鱼>> 2014年8月14日,在上海的一家包子铺里,几名顾客正在吃包子。 从毒牛奶到加了石蜡的猪肉,中国的有毒食品问题层出不穷。现在,有毒食品名单又添新品种──染色食物。 虽然食品安全丑闻在中国屡见不鲜,但近期披露出的浙江某厨师的行为仍然让人吃惊不小。据新华社报道,现年27岁的厨师陈某被检察院提起公诉,理由是他涉嫌用颜料涂染鲍鱼、鹅掌以提升食品品相。 据新华社称,自去年3月至案发,供职于杭州某酒店的陈某使用非食用色素,加工制作鲍鱼12只、鹅掌100余只,涉案金额将近800美元。鲍鱼和鹅掌在中国菜里面都属于比较贵的菜。 新华社说,因为有顾客反映他做的鹅掌颜色不好看,陈某便想出了这个“增色”的办法。新华社报道说,陈某行为涉嫌生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪,本周日被提起公诉。记者无法联系到陈某置评。 中国餐饮业之前曝光的丑闻还包括“荧光猪肉”(因为被发光菌污染)和自爆西瓜(滥加膨大剂的结果)等。更不用提食品染色、漂白、土壤污染、有毒化学品等大量“普通”事件。 中国的中产阶级规模越来越大,中国政府面临的这部分人群有关遏制此类丑闻的压力也越来越大。去年皮尤研究中心(Pew...
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