Archive for the ‘I – P’ Category
Why a US columnist is rooting for Singapore

Why a US columnist is rooting for Singapore

Dear Mr Matt Miller, I refer to your Washington Post article that was published by Straits Times on 12 May 2012. Our rise wasn’t from Third World to First but from a middle income status to First World status [1], [2]. It had more to do with good fortune than savvy, talented government officials. Our supposedly talented, savvy... 

The S’pore takeaway for Uncle Sam

The S’pore takeaway for Uncle Sam

Dear Mr Matt Miller, I refer to your Washington Post article that was published by Straits Times on 5 May 2012. The table below shows that it is not just Singapore that offers a hassle free, clean airport experience; a number of East Asian airports offer the same excellent experience. Airports Council International Airport... 

Ms Ng, Yale resolution is not annoying

Ms Ng, Yale resolution is not annoying

Yale-NUS Dear Ms Ng E-Ching, I refer to your 9 Apr 2012 Yale News article "NG: Show Singaporeans some respect" [1]. You used your own experience of discussing banned articles within the confines of your own classes to show Yale academics what they can do in Singapore - practise academic freedom within the confines of their classes... 

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