Archive for the ‘I – P’ Category
Be reasonable​, like commuters elsewhere

Be reasonable​, like commuters elsewhere

Dear Straits Times, I refer to the 21 Dec 2011 letter by Ms Anju Tiwari. Having lived in many countries, Ms Tiwari wonders if Singaporeans know that they live in an awesome country. Perhaps Ms Tiwari has been living mostly in Third World countries, which is why a First World country like Singapore appears awesome to her. Ms... 

From Nantah to NTU: Difficult but necessary journey

From Nantah to NTU: Difficult but necessary journey

Dear Mr Lee Kuan Yew, I refer to the 2 Dec 2011 Straits Times print of excerpts from your new book. You wrote that Tan Lark Sye and his supporters believed communist China was a great nation and could back them. Exactly what backing did Tan Lark Sye need from communist China? Money? No, he had millions of that himself. Manpower?... 

A major disruption in 24 years is understand​able – and forgivable

A major disruption in 24 years is understand​able – and forgivable

Dear Straits Times, I refer to the 20 Dec 2011 letter by Mr Samson Guanglin Lee. Mr Lee points to train disruptions in Japan and Spain to justify why a major breakdown in 24 years of SMRT operations is understandable and forgivable. SMRT has been operating only two lines for much of the past 24 years with the Circle Line being... 

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