Archive for the ‘Columnists’ Category
Rebutting ‘White Paper: 10 things every SG should know & think about’

Rebutting ‘White Paper: 10 things every SG should know & think about’

This is a commentary on the 10 points Ms Aresha Krishnan raised in her 26 Feb 2013 TR Emeritus' article “White Paper: 10 things every SG should know & think about”. Ms Krishnan started by saying we are a small, young country with no natural resources going from zero to hero in 50 years whereas it takes hundreds of years... 

The Constitution and the Population White Paper 1

The Constitution and the Population White Paper 1

Part 1 - Sovereignty of the Electorate Baron de Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws (in French), 1748. In the republican, the people in a body possess the sovereign power. Montesquieu wrote in his seminal work on political theory: in a democracy, the People are sovereign (in modern parlance). In other words, the electorate... 

Throwing our doors wide open is un-Singaporean too

Throwing our doors wide open is un-Singaporean too

I refer to the 18 Feb 2013 Straits Times letter “Closing door to foreigners is un-Singaporean” by Mr Simon Huang Minghui [1]. Mr Huang describes Singapore’s achievements with the over-used phrase “punch above its weight”. Singapore has been punching above its weight even during colonial days, yet there was never a... 

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