Money and how it is used to control us
It is hoped that this post will raise interest (pun unintended) in helping us understand why we are in so much trouble and why competition and the need to destroy others to survive even in the 21st century defines much of our lives. Plenty of material is available in the public domain to research this and people need to do...
The Rule of Law and the By-election at Punggol East 3
Teo Chee Hean contends that local issues shall dominate in the by-election at Punggol East. One may decide if that is the case with the campaigns just getting underway. However, I note that Singapore being a small country, any distinction between local and national issues is artificial and unrewarding. Notwithstanding these...
Citizen Labour & Policies for Happy Nation
A businesswoman was once reported to lament about the government's tightening on foreign labour. She said that she had plans to expand her business into more outlets but now had to hold back. Assume the government was wrong to be tightening the foreign labour as she lamented and so the government relented, and the boss would...
- Chuan Park SCAM on Scammers
- SINKAPUT on SMRT Should Be Stripped Off Its Right To Operate Our Train System
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Merry Christmas
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Scammers
- 2Daft2Live on Why NRIC is no longer ‘Confidential’?