Archive for the ‘Columnists’ Category


新加坡是不是一个民主平等的国家?您認为人民行动党是不是真正为人民服务还是一群贪婪的江湖政客?这世界有那个国家的领袖拿过百万人民的钱为人民服务?美国是世界最强大的强国而美国总统的年薪是少过李显龙四份之一。是不是狂妄自大不言而谕。他認为自己比美国总统四倍的重要. 我们这班公务员在五十年初在紧急法令下所作的牺牲才能給李显龙这班瓜子拿人民的钱来享受豪华生活。... 

Is Singapore a democratic and egalitarian society?

Is Singapore a democratic and egalitarian society?

Mr S.W. Yoong Is Singapore a democratic and egalitarian society? The answer may be an intriguing one especially with government tongue-in-cheek. I come from a very humble beginning and could only manage to receive basic education. Tertiary education was only meant for scholarship holders and scions of affluent families. I joined... 

The Tiger and the Trojan Horse by Dennis Bloodworth

The Tiger and the Trojan Horse by Dennis Bloodworth

John Drysdale was more scholarly in his presentation in his magnum opus Singapore:Struggle for Success whereas Dennis Bloodworth was more down- to- earth in portraying the clandestine conspiracy of the communist underground and United Front and the internecine srtruggle between the PAP leadership headed by Lee Kuan Yew and the... 

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