Shaggy Warriors, In Scooters, and On Donkeys
The reason why US and NATO effort failed in Afghanistan, is overwhelming support among Afghan (and Pakistani) people for Taliban ideology and interpretation of Islam. Even most Afghan allies of US/NATO army are not any exception. America needs to rein-in their defense industry, their so-called foreign policy experts and defense think-tanks....
Governmental Exceptionalism: Is There A Moral High Ground?
It's true that 35% or 40% of the population will always fall for authoritarians, patriarchs and tribalism, but the majority of people reject authoritarianism and all the historical wretchedness that comes with it. Intimidation through intrusion is more typically how authoritarian governments control people. What I see in the...
Crack Heads and Spill Blood
During the Party’s Centennial celebration, China's President Xi Jinping said: The Chinese people will never allow foreign forces to bully, oppress or enslave us, whoever nurses delusions of doing that will crack their heads and spill blood on the Great Wall of steel built from the flesh and blood of 1.4 billion Chinese people. "Tou...
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- Fake fake on America humiliated as Biden shunted at APEC Summit
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