Archive for the ‘Sanjay Perera’ Category
It takes a bunch of non-elite educated ‘communists’ to show that S’pore is not well

It takes a bunch of non-elite educated ‘communists’ to show that S’pore is not well

The recent strike by well over a hundred PRC bus drivers in Singapore is something that cannot be brushed aside as a matter of violating the law and that which should be ‘nipped in the bud’. There are, unfortunately, genuine reasons for the strike. Apart from the matter of pay and comparisons with Malaysian drivers, there... 

Voodoo ethics

Voodoo ethics

“Well said, old mole! Canst work i' th' earth so fast? A worthy pioneer! Once more remove, good friends.” -- Hamlet Modern translation: “You said it right, old mole. You’re pretty busy down there in the dirt, aren’t you? What a tunneler! Let’s move again, my friends.” -- Hamlet It seems that Dr Susan Lim is facing... 

To be or not to be

To be or not to be

“Every human being that believes in capital punishment loves killing, and the only reason they believe in capital punishment is because they get a kick out of it….Why not boil them in oil, as they used to do? Why not burn them at the stake? Why not sew them into a bag with serpents and throw them out to sea? Why not take... 

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