Archive for the ‘Sanjay Perera’ Category
Our gulags and political re-education

Our gulags and political re-education

"In every chain of reasoning, the evidence of the last conclusion can be no greater than that of the weakest link of the chain, whatever may be the strength of the rest.” - Thomas Reid “The chain is no stronger than its weakest link.” - Lenin The education system in Singapore is politicized. Never mind that aspect of the... 

Life lessons: TR Emeritus, Success and Justice

Life lessons: TR Emeritus, Success and Justice

  "…the theory of democracy, said …‘All men are equal before the law, independently of their origin, their property, and their position; every man has an equal right in determining the fate of the people.’…But the longer it went on, the more it sent the consciousness to sleep, legalizing poverty, slavery and degradation…In... 

About those stickers

About those stickers

It is always interesting to compare generic statements by politicians and those of potential ‘street artists’. There will be claims like “growth is not an ends but a means” and other broad assertions such as, “growth is necessary for well-being” and “if we are content to be average, we will fail”. Or, perhaps,... 

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