Archive for the ‘Steve Wu’ Category
The Rule of Law and Labour Rights

The Rule of Law and Labour Rights

I was really disturbed by the incessant use of illegal strike recently.  How can a basic labour right be made unlawful?   I mulled over the possibility that Article 10 of the Constitution may not offer protection of the labour rights. But I realize I have conceded too prematurely. I note that every person (citizen as well... 

A Physicist Looks at the Financial Governance 2

A Physicist Looks at the Financial Governance 2

Part 2 – Liabilities It is a good idea to begin the discourse with a definition.  In view of Article 2 (see Part 1 - 'A Physicist Looks at the Financial Governance 1'), one may either think of reserves as adjusted assets or assets as adjusted reserves.  The Constitution defines the liabilities. Article 142(4), Constitution... 

A Physicist Looks at the Financial Governance 1

A Physicist Looks at the Financial Governance 1

Part 1 - Prologue As knowledgeable citizens, we are keenly aware that the level of transparency and accountability of the financial governance in Singapore is much lower than what is expected of an advanced democracy. If it were not the case, the Accountant-General ( ought to provide an accurate balance... 

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