Can PAP Malay MPs please explain what progress they have made in Malay youths’ education?
In a recent seminar organized to enhance engagement with youths, where several hundred participants comprising representatives from voluntary welfare organizations attended, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim, Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs, said that "more preventive and upstream measures are needed to help Malay youths at risk of dropping...
There were no racial riots until PAP came to power
As much as finger pointing Lee Kuan Yew may want to do at Muslims and Islam in Singagpore, he probably need to first remember that Singapore never saw race riots until he and his party came to power. Singapore's multiracial history started even before the arrival of Raffles, though hardly mentioned by nationalised history textbooks....
Singapore Needs A New Multicultrualism Model
In my recent article,"Ultra right wing Chinese cant tolerate distinct characteristics of other races", i discussed the pervasive intolerant attitudes of a segment of Singapore Chinese community. There were comments appealing for an understanding that this segment of Chinese community is small. Firstly how do we know what size...
- Middle on Scammers
- Tigaterapoov. on Losing Control
- 2Daft2Live on Why NRIC is no longer ‘Confidential’?
- Pappies on Merry Christmas
- PAP mandate strong on Losing Control