Archive for the ‘Business’ Category
Automation will make work easier and still keep many workers employed

Automation will make work easier and still keep many workers employed

There is a big risk that automation will make more people lose their jobs. This risk can be mitigated, but it require an enlightened government. What do I mean? 1. Automation can make the work easier for people, but it does not need to replace the worker entirely. For example, a self driving bus can remove the tedious work of... 

Why employers prefer to employ foreigners

Why employers prefer to employ foreigners

My friend said - Kin Lian, do you know why employers prefer to employ foreigners and not locals? He elaborated. Cost is one factor, but it is not the most important factor. More important is the attitude. You have heard about employers exploiting workers, right? Are you aware that in the real world, many workers exploit their... 

Temasek and PAP take Singaporeans for fools

Temasek and PAP take Singaporeans for fools

Temasek and PAP take Singaporeans for fools because we fail to demand our right to information which should be in the public domain. Secrecy surrounding the management of our reserves should be a concern but most Singaporeans remain indifferent. Do reserves belong to all of us or PAP and Temasek? Read Temasek annual report. Basically... 

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