Archive for the ‘Current Affairs’ Category
Haze: Huge Indon U-turn within a week

Haze: Huge Indon U-turn within a week

The British have a saying, “A week is a long time in politics.” CNA reported, Indonesia is considering declaring a national emergency over fires that have been smouldering across the archipelago for weeks, sending haze drifting across much of Southeast Asia, the vice president said on Tuesday. The government would intensify... 

Two more SGH patients test positive for hepatitis C

Two more SGH patients test positive for hepatitis C

The Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has confirmed that two more of its patients who have passed through its renal ward between January and June have tested positive for the hepatitis C virus. In a statement on Friday (23 October), SGH said that it has informed the patients and their families, and will arrange for appointments... 

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