Losing battle against Covid-19
"Everything works whether it is water, electricity, gas...If it doesn't, I want to know why and if I am not satisfied and I often was not, the chief goes"- the late Lee Kuan Yew. Singapore under the current 4G pap millionaire ministars is battling a losing battle against C19, especially those that continue to stay high community...
Retailers call for a return to circuit breaker
The retailers are calling for a return to the circuit breaker (CB) that was introduced a year ago. They do not like the Heightened Alert (HA) that the government coined to describe the current restrictions. What difference does that make? What is the difference between the circuit full CB and the HA version? The retailers remembered...
Covid-19 imported cases – Chart 2
This chart shows the comprehensive contributions to imported cases based on status from various countries. Click to enlarge This chart confirms that travelers from India are the MAIN contributor to the imported cases throughout the two months period. It has contributed 42% of the total number of imported cases during this period,...
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