Archive for the ‘Current Affairs’ Category
Root of the current community outbreak

Root of the current community outbreak

They just refused to address the ROOT of the current community outbreak .... The open border mechanism has failed to keep imported cases out of invading our community. The epic failure to respond quickly to ban flights from hotspots inspite of the data and information available points directly to greatest potential threat... These... 

Asking the people to work with the government

Asking the people to work with the government

It is ironic PM Lee is asking the people to work with the government and not let their guards down. I say this because it is the government which is not working with the people and has let its guard down. That we have enjoyed months of very low community cases prior to the current outbreak and able to carry on, more or less,... 

The worst virus of the lot?

The worst virus of the lot?

I remember striking up a conversation with an Englishman who mentioned that “I have very little going for me in life except my pink and blotchy skin and I guess you have to use what you have been given.” I remember this conversation because this man had summed up a major truism about post-colonial societies, they can’t... 

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