Archive for the ‘Current Affairs’ Category
Greece on a knife edge

Greece on a knife edge

It is exactly five years since Greece joined the European Support Mechanism with the close cooperation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). At that time, the key and critical financial data were the following: GDP amounted to 222.151 billions dollars at the end of 2010. The public debt was 148.3% as a percentage of GDP.... 

Ravi pleads guilty, blames hypomanic episode

Ravi pleads guilty, blames hypomanic episode

M Ravi But tribunal is not moved and cuts him no slack. Case referred to panel of three High Court judges who can really terkan him (or as the cybernuts, Ravi’s groupies, and ang moh tua kees say, “Fix him”: fine or censure him. Last week’s M Ravi’s attempt to escape more severe punishment in a disciplinary case failed.... 

Amos flees Mummy/ Peceptive tots on Boy Wonder

Amos flees Mummy/ Peceptive tots on Boy Wonder

(Update on 17 December 4.30am: My sources tell me that he’s hiding in S’pore, not gone overseas.) As to his reissue of the LKY video, It’ll be interesting if Mad Dog Chee comes to his defence. The anh moh tua kees like Kirsten Han, Lynn Lee etc etc, have moved on.) If anyone is interested Amos posted on 14 December that... 

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