Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
Third booster jab a success?

Third booster jab a success?

Don't count your chicks before the eggs hatch. Third booster jab a success? We had just witnessed a super spike in infection numbers in Israel which DOUBLED the peak of last highest! I believe the ADE had happened when such unusual signal pops up. A super mutated variant which is highly resistant to mRna vaccines will be born... 

Unhelpful to use the term ‘unlinked’

Unhelpful to use the term ‘unlinked’

Many people are worried about the large number of "unlinked" cases. But they worry for the wrong reason. It does not really matter if the case is "linked" or "unlinked". These unlinked cases are more serious, because they are identified when they appear at the clinic with some symptoms of covid sickness. In contrast, the "linked"... 

Playing with Words & Statistical Misrepresentation

Playing with Words & Statistical Misrepresentation

As expected, as we slowly go into the post six months period after Mass inoculation of Pfizer started in Feb, we will experience and observe more infections and SERIOUSLY ILL Covid19 patients are from the Vaccinated. MOH is still trying its very best to manipulate statistical representation to justify its vaccination program. It... 

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