Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
The persecution of the unvaccinated

The persecution of the unvaccinated

Although Pure Blood are persecuted, discriminated and verbally abused everywhere in the world by the establishment as well as many ignorant people, but I find that those who are vaccine (V) injured but categorically denied, ridiculed, accused of "Fabricating" their injuries or even worse, insinuated of having mental illness,... 

Paradigm shift in vaccine narratives

Paradigm shift in vaccine narratives

There seems to be a paradigm shift in vaccine (V) narratives since late last year. Some of the most prominent "Ex-Pro V influencers" in the past months and years have started to U Turn on their position over the past few months . Dr Aseem Malhotra - A prominent cardiologist in UK who had appeared on BBC before to urge people... 

Sudden death of wife of British minister

Sudden death of wife of British minister

1. My friend shared a news report that the wife of a British minister had died suddenly. He added - It's getting more and more surreal! 2. I replied to him - There is nothing surreal. Countless people died suddenly over past centuries, mostly from heart attacks. 3. There is a large group of people who are strongly against the... 

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