Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
Peddling Fear

Peddling Fear

China has 1.3B population. If Covid-19 (CV) death rate is 0.3%, 3.9m death expected If death rate is 0.1% 1.3m death. The death numbers may look huge but it's actually within the normal death rate. Only those Western and SG will try to peddle FEAR, just like what they did when sudden massive CV death happened in India just to... 

China has relaxed its Covid-19 restrictions

China has relaxed its Covid-19 restrictions

China has relaxed its covid restrictions. It has announced several changes to its restrictions during the past two weeks. The changes have been quite significant. This decision follows protests from its residents on the impacts of the restrictions on their livelihood and social activities. The relaxation will bring possible... 

Mandai crematorium is fully booked

Mandai crematorium is fully booked

This report from Zaobao says that Mandai crematorium is fully booked for Sunday and Monday. The next available empty slot is Tuesday. They reasoned that it's because people are having shorter funeral wakes. Instead of the traditional 5 days to 7 days, people have shorten their funeral wakes. In my neighborhood which have at... 

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