Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
Why China continues with the zero Covid-19 policy?

Why China continues with the zero Covid-19 policy?

My friend explained China's covid zero policy along the following lines: - China does not lockdown the entire country when there are covid cases. - They divide each city into districts and only lock down the districts with covid cases. When no more new cases are found, the lockdown is lifted for that district. - Due to the low... 

Yet another piece of propaganda by the Straits Times

Yet another piece of propaganda by the Straits Times

Salma Khalik This time, a clumsy attempt by the Senior Health Correspondent, Salma Khalik, to convince Singaporeans that the state purchases drugs from pharmaceutical giants from a “position of strength”. The gist of the article is that in the past, Singapore was a “dream market” for pharmaceutical giants, that we were... 

Surprised at the removal of VDS

Surprised at the removal of VDS

As an UnVaxed (UnV), I should be happy when MOH announced all VDS are removed, but I am more surprised than happy. Just a few days ago, OYK had just spoken in parliament about an important announcement to be made about V (mandate?) protocol and such but he didn't mention anything about removing VDS at all. In fact, he was blabbering... 

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