Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
Political vaccine from failure

Political vaccine from failure

Trying to put disclaimer from being a failure? If all these Vaccines are really effective, why would we face another wave, being one of the HIGHEST Vaccinated rate countries? This is basically just a Political Vaccine from failure and accountability.... I told you already ok, this bad thing will happen, don't blame me!   Goh... 

Do I feel more isolated and lonely being unvaccinated?

Do I feel more isolated and lonely being unvaccinated?

I accepted an recorded interview recently and the host is Pro Vax. One of the interesting question he asked was, do I feel more isolated and lonely since 94% people have been Vaccinated (V) and majority accepted it? I told him no. In actual fact, more people have changed their minds or at least have doubts over the V because... 

Random versus Bias Sampling

Random versus Bias Sampling

It is rather frustrating to discuss data with a lot of people. When we are looking at raw data of infected among Vaccinated (V) & UnVaccinated (UnV) from real world data, they would claim that's not from "Double Blind Randomized Trial". But when they want to look at V & UnV death from Covid-19 (CV), they will use real... 

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