Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
How often can you get reinfected?

How often can you get reinfected?

This is basically an open admission that the Vaccines are useless and preparing those people mentally to accept "it is a norm" to get infected and repeatedly reinfected even if they are fully vax or Boostered or jabbed multiple Boosters! It is illogical and Oxymoron to ask people to take more jabs in anticipation of new wave... 

I still can’t get infected

I still can’t get infected

Early morning a friend who is fully vaccinated and leading a very healthy lifestyle text he also kena Covid-19. Then another friend message me his office which is 100% Triple vaxed suffered 70% infection and the office has to shut down! Yeah sure, this is not another wave & vaccine is effective... My foot is laughing. The... 

Tripping themselves all over the place

Tripping themselves all over the place

They can make all sorts of claims for different agendas at different times but eventually, they will trip themselves all over the place with the obvious inconsistencies! Way back in Nov 2021, the monthly time series data were already showing extremely clear trend that DEATHS in 2021 HAVE INCREASED comparatively to 2018 to 2020... 

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