Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
The Imminent Collapse of Vaccine Narrative

The Imminent Collapse of Vaccine Narrative

The SIGNS are all there. CDC Director Rochelle Paula Walensky has conceded the Vaccines aren't as effective as they claimed and they were too optimistic while too little cautious in approving these Vaccines. On the other hand, Dr Fauci is missing from News Network since 18 Feb 2022! All these happen when FDA was forced and ordered... 

Justifying her million dollar salary

Justifying her million dollar salary

Amy Khor is just creating unnecessary work for coffee shop owners and hawkers to justify her million dollar salary. Why don't she cordon off trains and buses? People are getting covid everywhere and self isolating themselves at home without troubling the hospitals and doctors. What is wrong with all our ministers?   Teo... 

Totally misleading data

Totally misleading data

Click to enlarge Still can't help it, first time comment on Ho Ching's post on the Data Chart. Your data is totally misleading and doesn't make sense at all. First of all, the percentage doesn't add up to 100%! So what kind of data presentation is this? Secondly, vaccination rate changes throughout from May 2021 till Jan 2022.... 

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