Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
Real Leadership

Real Leadership

Ukraine President's Zelenskyy Ukraine President's Zelenskyy known to many people as a man without political background and without impressive academics has managed to show the world what leadership is all about. People call him clown or comedian and this war is against all odds, he is proven himself to be a real leader. The... 

Getting infected better than taking boosters?

Getting infected better than taking boosters?

Most common reason given is 2 jabs enough to protect them from infections? Upside down reasoning! Most people would rather get infected than getting the boosters! That's the truthful reason given everywhere! They don't trust the Vaccines, especially after two jabs, they feel so uncomfortable with it! Besides, they are seeing... 

Another lack of foresight by our useless health minister?

Another lack of foresight by our useless health minister?

Is this another lack of foresight by our useless health minister? The writing was on the wall since ages ago that our healthcare system would sooner or later be overwhelmed by the rising number of cases. This was seen as early as Apr 2020 where saf manpower was sent to man call centers. During the time, two years has passed... 

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