Archive for the ‘Covid-19’ Category
Provide useful jobs during the pandemic

Provide useful jobs during the pandemic

During the past two years, many regular workers were retrenched and school leavers could not find jobs. This was due to the economic disruption caused by the covid pandemic. The government created jobs for "safe entry ambassadors" to enforce the safe entry recording at food centers, malls and other public places. At the initial... 

Work from home – make it sustainable

Work from home – make it sustainable

Many workers prefer to work from home, as it saves travel time (up to 3 hours a day) and allows them to spend more time with the family. The supervisor needs the workers to be in the office so that they will remain productively at work during the working hours. What is an arrangement that meet the needs of the worker and the... 

Get your booster or be shunned

Get your booster or be shunned

I just had my booster jab, not because I believe in its efficacy in preventing me from dying of Covid-19 or Omicron or whatever variations but because I don’t have a choice. The government have announced and reminded me many times that if I don’t get my booster jab before the expiry of 270 days after the second dose, I will... 

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