Vaccine Apartheid – Part 2
Should the unvaccinated be liable for the cost of their hospitalisation if they get infected? Are there economic grounds to demand another person get vaccinated or otherwise pay the price for being unvaccinated? These issues came up in my earlier commentary on this subject and gave me cause to pen down my thoughts as follows. Both...
Ong Ye Kung And The Taskforce Have Lost All Credibility
Ong Ye Kung’s denial that the Government had flip-flopped on it’s Covid management strategy and his claim that the middle-of-the road approach had averted huge number of deaths was received with widespread derision on social media. I have never seen such ridicule expressed by Netizens! This demonstrates that 20 months after...
The end of Dharma time
In Buddhism, we talked about end of Dharma time (末法时期), things will be upside down. Right become Wrong, Wrong become Right, Lies become Truth, Truth become Lies... 颠倒众生. When it is so obvious that these unproven mRna vaccines are unsafe with so many serious and fatal adverse events, the establishment keeps giving...
- PAP mandate strong on Losing Control
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Losing Control
- Dave on Losing Control
- Scams on The ugly truth about buying a property in Malaysia
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Losing Control