Archive for the ‘Experience’ Category
MOM Employment Inspector: All in a day’s work

MOM Employment Inspector: All in a day’s work

28 March 2013 At around lunchtime, I stepped into a Korean restaurant along Tanjong Pagar Road with a colleague. As we looked through the menu, we also “checked out” the servers in the restaurant. Were they locals? If they looked foreign, did they hold valid work passes? Food was obviously the last thing on our minds. Paying... 

Loving my children and my country

Loving my children and my country

Not long ago when I attended my first women caucus of the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats (CALD) in Batanes, Phlippines, I remember telling the participants that the SDP did not have a women's wing because of the small number of women in the party. (I said - to great laughter - that we were so few in number that the... 



刚才看安徒生童话《打火匣》,看到‘狗儿’偷偷的背着公主跑出王宫与‘兵士’相会,老宫女在后头跟踪之后在房门前用粉笔做了个‘十’字记号。给聪明的‘狗 儿’发现了,就在城里所有的门上都画了‘十’字。这时候,就想起了在《阿里巴巴与四十大盗》的故事中,聪明机灵的婢女也是在强盗探路作了记号之后,依样画... 

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