Minister makes mistake, we move on but commoners make mistake, we die lah!
Last evening, few of us were at Blk 476 Tampines St 41 “Everyday Come” or “天天来” coffee shop. This is the first time I’ve been there. The lady proprietress, namely Mdm Bee of the Tze Char stall is a good friend of Freddie. Mdm Bee currently runs three Tze Char outlets in different parts of Singapore. Freddie is...
The Singaporean story behind each ATM slip
I came across this article written eloquently by Dr Chan J Y. He was commenting on an ATM slip he came across. Still about 10 days to end of the month – meaning payday and the ATM slip shows a “malnourished” bank account. Unfortunately, he did not delve deeper into the subject. Let me continue with the subject matter....
A man who would lose his flat
Last Thursday, I conducted financial counselling. A man, aged about 60 came to the team and shared his documents. HDB had given him 30 days to evict since a few weeks ago. By the time of this post, he would have been evicted. He had owed a significant amount in 6 figures. 10 years ago, his son had an illness and become...
- Chuan Park SCAM on Scammers
- SINKAPUT on SMRT Should Be Stripped Off Its Right To Operate Our Train System
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Merry Christmas
- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Scammers
- 2Daft2Live on Why NRIC is no longer ‘Confidential’?