Shockingly Low Number Of Coronavirus Tests Done
In his Ministerial Statement today, Gan Kim Yong revealed that to date more than 140000 Covid tests have been carried out. Errr.... that is a shockingly low number considering that we are well into the 4th month of the crisis. Never mind that he claims that we can do up to 8 000 tests a day now. That is not spectacular because...
Easing of circuit breaker measures
It is reported that with a falling number of “community” cases, Singapore will be easing some of its circuit breaker measures. Chinese medicine shops and several small businesses will soon be able to resume operations, some from tomorrow onwards. Singapore must be the only country where COVID-19 cases are divided into “community”...
The government should provide transparent data on the confirmed cases
About Singapore's #COVID19, right now confirmed cases in the community seem to be going down, but there has been so much focus on the spread of COVID-19 in the dormitories that our eye seems to have been taken off the ball on how the cases in the community (among all non-dormitory residents) is developing. As cases in the community...
- PAP mandate strong on Public Housing HDB
- GE HOT TOPICK on Public Housing HDB
- POSK on It only takes a spark
- What is the purpose? on Unknown Virus Rampages in China; Hospitals Utterly Overwhelmed
- Fake fake on The ugly truth about buying a property in Malaysia