Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Singapore before the plague years

Singapore before the plague years

“The time is out of joint,” Hamlet, Shakespeare Recently in parliament, the prime minister said: “The CPIB has to report to somebody, it can’t report to God.” That comment was out of joint, it did not seem to fit with the rest of the statements. But first, a look back into the past. Years ago, I had gone for a PSC... 

Answering the call of the people & Manifesto

Answering the call of the people & Manifesto

I want to tell the people of Singapore why I decided to participate in the upcoming presidential election. My friends urged me to come forward and become a candidate that is independent of the government. They said that if I stay out, there is a risk that the election will be a walkover or a contest between two pro-establishment... 

Terry Xu’s criminal defamation sentence

Terry Xu’s criminal defamation sentence

Click to enlarge Terry Xu did two things by choice. He served his 3 weeks’ jail sentence and also appealed against that sentence. He could have applied for stay of sentence pending appeal, but he didn’t. So, before his appeal was heard, he had already served his sentence. With time served under his belt, he succeeded in... 

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