Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Forecast – the global stock market will recover on 9 April

Forecast – the global stock market will recover on 9 April

I posted a forecast - the global stock market will recover on 9 April 2020. It attracted a lot of interest. Several readers asked me to explain my forecast. Here is my explanation. I replied that my forecast was based on my crystal ball. I have an old crystal ball, which is older than me, maybe more than 100 years old. Being... 

The government’s incompetence in handling the Covid-19 crisis

The government’s incompetence in handling the Covid-19 crisis

How Small and Micro-Businesses And The Self-Employed Are Bearing The Brunt Of This Government’s Incompetence! Asia is 2 months into the coronavirus crisis and while China and South Korea, once the hotspots for the virus outbreak, have brought down their numbers dramatically, here in Singapore we are seeing the reverse and... 

Malaysia’s travel ban

Malaysia’s travel ban

Malaysia travel ban is indeed a wake-up call to those people who are watching, following the developments and businesses that are affected by it but I am not sure about the pap ministars who are, I believe, still enjoying their fat salaries save for a one month blip, and their more good years. People can only wake-up provided... 

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