Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Marketing gimmicks that lead to wasteful practices

Marketing gimmicks that lead to wasteful practices

I dislike marketing gimmicks that lead to wasteful practices. Here are some examples: a) Credit cards, airlines and telephone companies offer points based on purchases. These points can be converted into benefits. I find it confusing to use the points. Quite often, they are a waste of time. After a while, I decided to ignore... 

Meritocracy of the Dishonourables

Meritocracy of the Dishonourables

The Lost Ones often whine that there is no alternative to their ideology of meritocracy. What they are saying is that there is no alternative to the ruling class’: disgraceful attitudes, words and behaviour, greed, cronyism, extreme self-interestedness, the desire to punish those who oppose them, viciousness, vindictiveness,... 

Hypothetical case of a suit for defamation

Hypothetical case of a suit for defamation

I was asked - Mr. Tan, if someone published a statement that you were a thief and you did not sue the author and later, another person published another statement using the fact in the first statement, can you sue the second person for defamation? By not acting on the first statement, did you indirectly accept that the statement... 

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