Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
I still can

I still can

The Big News in the world of celebrity gossip is the fact that the American Actor, Al Pacino is set to become a father at 82. Age has definitely not slowed Mr. Pacino and the news of Mr. Pacino’s virility can be found here. While there were a few people tut-tutting Mr. Pacino for becoming a father at an age where most start... 

A sad day when the Ridout findings turn out just as expected

A sad day when the Ridout findings turn out just as expected

It’s the outcome we saw coming – the two ministers at the centre of the Ridout controversy have been cleared of misconduct and wrongdoing. No one put a foot wrong. Not even one small misstep. Clean as a whistle. Case closed. We are not in the least bit surprised because we did not expect any other outcome. Apart from loopholes... 

Chan Chun Sing’s challenge to students

Chan Chun Sing’s challenge to students

I refer to Chan Chun Sing's challenge to students that if they can get Taylor Swift to perform in their school for free, they will get a day-off. I am a senior citizen, a citizen of an older generation and the way I was brought up, my life's values and experiences are different from the many students today, still, in this current... 

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