Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
The internal contradictions of Singapore’s elected presidency

The internal contradictions of Singapore’s elected presidency

Lee Hsien Loong's People's Action Party (PAP) government began in 2016 its radical reforms to the elected presidency, a rush job of the highest order. A case was made out for the necessity of the changes at the beginning of the year, a thoroughly respectable constitutional commission was convened, public and expert feedback... 

Singaporeans need to lose their romantic illusions about the President

Singaporeans need to lose their romantic illusions about the President

Mdm Ho Ching In a Facebook post today Ho Ching told Singaporeans not to harbour the illusion that the Elected Presidency is any kind of independent check and balance. The primary role is that of a head of state, representing Singapore as a nation and state, and the symbol of unity for our people. The secondary role for which... 

Presidential election 2023

Presidential election 2023

Previously, a private sector candidate for presidential election has to meet the requirement (3 years as CEO of a large company) within 15 years prior to the writ of election. I do not qualify because I have passed 15 years since my service as CEO of NTUC Income. For some strange reason (which I do not know why) this has now... 

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