Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Is that what we want for an Elected President?

Is that what we want for an Elected President?

Tharman will become a Lame Duck President eventually, regardless whether there is a contest or not. This is No Elected President but just Selected Presidency. The selection is already done by PAP appointed President Selection Committee. George Goh claims he is "Independent" but we know PAP Govt won't anyhow appointment ambassador... 

Will Sheng Xiong get a pass for breaching listing rules?

Will Sheng Xiong get a pass for breaching listing rules?

The Business Times carried this article buried deep in its ‘market-companies’ section. Straits Times, I believe, reported nothing. Not surprising. SS operates the Shengsiong chain of supermarkets. The company is listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange. SGX listing rules require companies to have Independent Directors (IDs)... 

The problem is not who gets the job – its the job

The problem is not who gets the job – its the job

The big news in Singapore is that our Senior Minister, Mr. Tharman Shanmugaratnam (“Mr. Tharman”) has resigned from the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) and the Cabinet in order to run for President. Given that Mr. Tharman has been one of the most prominent members of the government, it seems all but assured that he... 

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