Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Tharman for president is so troubling in so many ways

Tharman for president is so troubling in so many ways

Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam By all accounts, Tharman Shanmugaratnam seems like a very decent man. He is absent the dismissive, obnoxious demeanour of Teo Chee Hean (Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security), the Mandarin entitlement posturing of Chan Chun Sing (Education Minister), or two combative rottweilers... 

Jocelyn Chia Saga

Jocelyn Chia Saga

Jocelyn Chia Saga is actually a result and extension of PAP's extensive propagandus indoctrination via its leaders and the controlled Main Stream Media. PAP is so used to use negative compare and contrast with other countries, in particular Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, HK and other countries around us to talk bad about... 

The things that you shouldn’t outsource

The things that you shouldn’t outsource

This weekend, I met an American who had volunteered to send his son to do national service. He was proud of the fact that his son was posted to be a medic and he was also glad that his son, who had been to international schools finally got the chance to make Singaporean friends. He had, however, one complaint, which was the... 

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