Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
An interesting conversation with a new friend

An interesting conversation with a new friend

Yesterday, I had an interesting conversation with a new friend and our small talks somehow drifted to our national politics and the pap government. He conceded that although life in Singapore is definitely getting harder and harder under the pap government, we still have a job and food to eat etc. Given what he has said, I take... 

Is there anything quite like it anywhere else?

Is there anything quite like it anywhere else?

Dr Tan Cheng Bock came within a whisker of winning the presidency but now he can’t even qualify to run because of the updated criteria. Lee Hsien Yang should qualify, but we can count him out for 2023 as well – he has already said he’s been “made a fugitive by my own country.” The last election in 2017 was controversially... 

The flavours and concept of home

The flavours and concept of home

OK, it wasn’t my idea (since I had just flown in from Singapore) but since my American stepdad was hungry for Malaysian and Singaporean food, we decided to go grab a mean at the C&R Café and Restaurant, which is located in London’s Chinatown. In the three years of being in university in London, I avoided going for Singapore... 

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