Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Ministers renting black and white bungalows

Ministers renting black and white bungalows

Many people are indignant that two ministers used, or rather abused, their ministerial positions to rent two black and white bungalows from the government. They criticized the ministers in social media. I hold a different opinion. I think that it is all right for the ministers to rent a bungalow at the market rental (based on... 

Expectations that working adults owe parents a monthly allowance need to be changed

Expectations that working adults owe parents a monthly allowance need to be changed

Expectations that working adults owe parents a monthly allowance need to be changed - CNA online, 23 May 23. The above article is a good article and I agree with most of the points covered. In this commentary, I will share some thoughts. If we remove our westernised appearance and facade, we all share fundamental asian upbringings... 

The work you don’t see

The work you don’t see

Back in the days of my first marriage, everyone wanted me to become a teacher. My parents felt that I had an “academic” personality rather than a commercial personality. My then wife and her family kept drilling in the fact that teaching was an “iron rice-bowl,” and then there were people told me that teaching was great... 

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