Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Rare line of questioning by Workers’ Party

Rare line of questioning by Workers’ Party

I couldn't believe my eyes when I read these questions which was put up by WP Pritam Singh! Such lines of "questioning" are extremely RARE for political "opponents"! Rightfully so, many people actually thought that these questions are put up by PAP MPs! The questions have already PRESUMED that the two Ministers have done no... 

Long time to treat a public patient

Long time to treat a public patient

I went to the Singapore National Eye Center at 1.30 for an appointment. I went as a public patient (aka subsidized patient). I left at 4.45 pm. The appointment took over 3 hours. During this time, I was seen by the doctor and the attendants for a total of less than 15 minutes. The rest of the time was spent waiting to be called. I... 

Elected presidency

Elected presidency

I express my views as a citizen and I invite contributions from fellow netizens too. Thank you all in advance. About 50 public service roles may fulfill elected presidency (PE) requirement - Chan Chun Sing (CCS), CNA online 11 May 2023. Halimah Yacob's term will end on 13 September this year and we will have a new president... 

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