Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Maybe its grandpa who gets it

Maybe its grandpa who gets it

Last Saturday, there was an elaborate ceremony to mark the fact that a 74-year-old man finally got a job that he had been preparing for. The occasion, like all British events involving the Royal Family was as wonderful celebration of pomp and pageantry. Heads of State and Government from around the world were invited and the... 

Shortage of bus drivers

Shortage of bus drivers

Some people said that there is a shortage of bus drivers, which caused a problem in operating our bus services. In my insignificant view, this problem can be solved, if LTA is properly managed. Here are the possible solutions: 1. There are too many buses (on some services) that are underutilized. The buses can be reduced, hence... 

Deflecting and diverting instead of fixing

Deflecting and diverting instead of fixing

Three remarks by three ministers give us reason to think that they are deflecting and not providing a solution. Yesterday, Minister S Iswaran attributed high COE prices to rising incomes and zero car growth. It came in the wake of Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong saying that BTO flat prices have moved up in tandem with incomes. Is... 

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